Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Leaving For New Lands

So the inevitable has happened. It was all a matter of time really, but now it's finally my turn...

I'm moving from Blogger to Tumblr! :D

Initially didn't want to, but OHMAIGAD HAVE YOU SEEN THE AVPM POSTS THERE.

Ahem. Anyways.

The new link is http://musingsandmelodies.tumblr.com/ , please remember to re-link if you did link me, yeah? :)

I'm probably gonna keep this blog open for the sake of sentimentality, but you never know. ;O


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Simple Love Songs =/= Cheesius Maximus

So I been listening to alot of love songs lately. Especially 'Two Is Better Than One'. I love how the melodies come together, and everything about the song is just... right. :)

Isn't that what like/love/*insert-your-own-term-here* supposed to be though? Everything being just right, with that one person?

I woke up this morning and missed someone. But now... I feel free.

Free to analyse whatever-the-hell music I have.
Free to pursue writing.
Free enough for my classical training in piano to finally kick in after years of oppression.
(It's so not a good time though.)
Free enough to actually finish my homework on the day it's given. (Shock and horror! Yes I know.)

And as cliched as this may be...

Free to discover who I am. :)

I 've had my good times, my bad times, and my ups and downs. But right now, I'm learning to take everything as it comes to me in stride. It's a somewhat weird feeling, of me being free, but I LOVE it. :)

PS. I go rock-climbing nearly every Saturday now! Have been for the past two, anyone interested in joining me? (Get your own belaying partner though.) :D


Thursday, June 24, 2010

What The Hell Do I Do Now?

Still too young, or too old?

Still immature, or mature too soon?

Still hiding in the past, or throwing oneself head-first into the future?

I don't know anymore.


I used to think I was better than other girls. I thought that I didn't need reassuring, and I was independent, free of being clingy to others.

I guessed I was wrong. I like to be coddled, to be taken care of, to be let known that I'm loved.
(Just so in moderation, and in actions rather than words.)

Maybe I'm just paranoid. But the feeling I have in my stomach won't go away until I am assured that I do have that person's full attention.

Sigh. Maybe it's just me. :/


Monday, June 7, 2010

Past Whispers and Reminisces

It's funny how pictures can bring back a multitude of (by-gone) feelings.

A slow touch of hands, deliberately-by-accident.

The feel of his warmth next to me.

"So can I have your number?"

It's just a shame that not even months of texting could forge a possible friendship. We don't even speak to each other anymore.

Still, it was fun (at times) while it lasted.


Monday, May 31, 2010

YOUTH'10 Festival

No time to write up on what happened (exams in a week, HALPZ) but here's a video of Kenneth, IMran, Kar Reid and Azri playing as "K.I.T.A." at the YOUTH'10 Festival. They're awesome, 'nuff said. :D

Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! 8D


Friday, May 14, 2010

Random Thoughts And Ramblings

  • I think of your lips against mine, and my insides pull at my heart. Begging for more, but what can I give when I have nothing (or no-one)?
  • You're beautiful, but you don't know it. You even manage to take my breath away. And I'm the girl here, damnit.
  • As enigmatic as you are, as much as you pique my interest, if you don't show any signs, you'll just be like the one before.
  • I hate mixed signals. Don't be like a girl, because you certainly aren't one.
  • How is it that you fit nearly perfectly in the mental mould I have of the 'perfect guy', as cliched as it may be? But yet you still are not. No one is.
  • When will I ever get a hug and proper conversation from you?
  • There are many doors in our lives. By opening a door, you make a decision. By locking it, you turn that chance away. The probability of you opening a door is 50/50: there are only two choices. You can hem and haw, delaying and waiting, but you have to make a choice in the end anyway. Why not open the door and take a chance? There's nothing you can't risk, if you have the chance to be happy. (Paraphrased from Shaun.)
Don't take everything in this post at face value. Some comments were written for now, some were for the past. Some are for (a hopeful) future.

The past few weeks have been... somewhat emotionally draining. Not to a bad extent, but it was, to an extent, a thorn in my side. (Feelings are ambiguos things: they make you welcome yet abhor them.) And can someone tell me what to do about the urge to make out? Seriously, it bugs me so much. So. FREAKING. Much.

Okay, rambles done. Time to sleep. :)


Monday, April 26, 2010

An Update Of Sorts



Other than that, this week's gonna be a hectic one. Taylor's Got Talent on Friday night, with the SATs the day after. THEN, Tokio Hotel's concert thing at OU.


Gonna be so stressed/excited this week HEE~

Hopefully I don't accidently (on purpose) throw myself off a building because of too much excitement/stress. XD

On the other hand, I wonder how my entire Econs class (HS3 &HS4) will be able to fit in PS3's class. No place leh~ :/ Oh well.