So after long hard weeks of sloughing away at college doing homework upon pile of homework and studying for tests (and failing), the CAL students of Taylors' FINALLY get a ten-day break.
Time in holidays are meant to be used as a means of catching up on work that you missed out on in normal classes (if you did miss some classes) and to revise the bulk of the syllabus that has been taught by the teachers to prepare for the upcoming Semester I exam.
While my original plan WAS to actually, seriously catch up on homework, I ... kinda failed. But only halfway through!
I wasted three days on bumming around the house (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) when I could've gone to the TTDI library to do homework instead. =.=''
But before that I went out and hung out with friends. Ah, t'was fun. :)
Had mamak with Kenneth on Wednesday night after I got scorned by Kelly, Sabrina and Samantha. :'(
Had dinner and watched Date Night with ChungWye, Victor and ZhenHowe on Thursday night. (MUST GO WATCH THE MOVIE IT'S DAMN GOOD 8DDDD)
Went out and watched a movie with Jo, Grace, Deb, WaiHwa, Kenneth, Shaun, WengHian, WanYing, YinYii, Joyce, Melissa, Imran, Nicole and KarReid, How To Train Your Dragon. Kath then joined us, and we went off to the batting cages. In the end, Jo, Grace, Kath, WaiHwa, Kenneth and I had dinner at IKEA. Meatballs yay :DDD
(... Aiyoh, no wonder I'm going broke. X_X)
So now I've sorta started my Econs project paper, though for the life of me I can't imagine how I'm going to elaborate my points until 10-15 pages. Darn.
And there's Lit. homework (plotline for King Henry the IVth, Part I), and long LONG overdue Psychology essays.
... I'm so screwed. >:(
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