Exams. Homework. Daydreams. ...Crap.
Exams are coming, and I've not started studying. Yet. D:
And I was planning to wake up early to study, in fact to wake up at 8am!
(Yes lah, unbelivable, I know.)
In the end, the handphone went screwy, and I threw a fit when I found out it was already 11.23am.
On the other hand, I've managed to finish my tugasan harian! *jumps for joy*
Finally, after procrastinating for... 3 weeks. (Oops.)
And I still have craploads of homework to finish, including :
Add Math. (Around 5-6 SP's. WAIIIII)
Tuition Add Math. (1 full paper, and I've forgotten most of my formulae...)
Tuition Chem. (Need. To. Revise.)
Kerja Amal (Sab, we neeeeeeeeeed to finish this!!!)
And as I said before,
HALPZ. (!)
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