Monday, April 26, 2010

An Update Of Sorts



Other than that, this week's gonna be a hectic one. Taylor's Got Talent on Friday night, with the SATs the day after. THEN, Tokio Hotel's concert thing at OU.


Gonna be so stressed/excited this week HEE~

Hopefully I don't accidently (on purpose) throw myself off a building because of too much excitement/stress. XD

On the other hand, I wonder how my entire Econs class (HS3 &HS4) will be able to fit in PS3's class. No place leh~ :/ Oh well.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lyric Post

"Do you dream at night
Dream of 'What if I's?
Do you play love songs
Just to sing along?
Does your heart beat faster
When I'm there?
Do you think of me?
Do you even care?"

Just a little drabble. (c) to me, STEAL AND DIE. >:D

Oh, and comments too plzz. :)


Friday, April 16, 2010

Random Wordspit.

"I've been watching
Looking and waiting
For a story to happen
For a song to start playing"

(The start of a so-called song that WH wanted to start yesterday in the library but failed. XD)

I need to start bringing my camera to school and to take more pictures of my college friends. My blog seems so... BLAND from the lack of pictures. .___.

Currently in bed with the lappie and with the lights off. Rain's pouring outside my window and it's such a perfect time to sleep. :)

Btw, need some advice. How do you know if you've fallen for a person or if a person has fallen for another person?


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So after long hard weeks of sloughing away at college doing homework upon pile of homework and studying for tests (and failing), the CAL students of Taylors' FINALLY get a ten-day break.



Time in holidays are meant to be used as a means of catching up on work that you missed out on in normal classes (if you did miss some classes) and to revise the bulk of the syllabus that has been taught by the teachers to prepare for the upcoming Semester I exam.


While my original plan WAS to actually, seriously catch up on homework, I ... kinda failed. But only halfway through!

I wasted three days on bumming around the house (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) when I could've gone to the TTDI library to do homework instead. =.=''

But before that I went out and hung out with friends. Ah, t'was fun. :)

Had mamak with Kenneth on Wednesday night after I got scorned by Kelly, Sabrina and Samantha. :'(

Had dinner and watched Date Night with ChungWye, Victor and ZhenHowe on Thursday night. (MUST GO WATCH THE MOVIE IT'S DAMN GOOD 8DDDD)

Went out and watched a movie with Jo, Grace, Deb, WaiHwa, Kenneth, Shaun, WengHian, WanYing, YinYii, Joyce, Melissa, Imran, Nicole and KarReid, How To Train Your Dragon. Kath then joined us, and we went off to the batting cages. In the end, Jo, Grace, Kath, WaiHwa, Kenneth and I had dinner at IKEA. Meatballs yay :DDD

(... Aiyoh, no wonder I'm going broke. X_X)

So now I've sorta started my Econs project paper, though for the life of me I can't imagine how I'm going to elaborate my points until 10-15 pages. Darn.

And there's Lit. homework (plotline for King Henry the IVth, Part I), and long LONG overdue Psychology essays.

... I'm so screwed. >:(


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Night Out Of Fun :D

Uurgh, stupid over-reactive imagination. When combined with hormones and rom-coms it makes me physically frustrated. >:(((

*Slaps self* Oh-kay, shall stop thinking of the physiciality of relationships now. I'm supposed to be off boys.


Went out to celebrate Kar Reid and Grace's belated birthday yesterday at The Curve. T'was extremely awesome. :D

We were supposed to leave school around... what, 3.30pm? But instead, the lot of us bummed around in PS3's class. ("What, what, in my butt." LOL This one's for WaiHwa and Kar Reid XD)

After that, finally headed for The Curve at around 5pm? Poor Kenneth got scorned by Shaun and his no-show of sportsmanship. (Donut be so kiasu lah Kenneth ;P)

Met at the cinema, then went for "Clash Of The Titans". I think it's my first time watching a blockbuster movie that has absolutely NO kissing scenes in it. Seriously. It's like, almost a miracle, 'cos y'know, sex sells and all that. But only it isn't. Oh whichever. But do try naming a movie where there wasn't any kissing. Even the Princess And The Frog has the characters kissing. =.=''

Deb left after the movie. :'( The rest of us, namely Shuan, Kar Reid, Jo, Grace, Imran, Kenneth, WaiHwa and Kevin (aka the Kommando, spelt with a K) had dinner at Itallianies.

And then I was reminded of how... childish boys can be. =.= (Name-swapping and random song spouting, anyone?) But it also reminded me of how sad my existence at Taylors' really is 'cos there are no boys in my class. T_____T

At the end of dinner Kar Reid (and to be honest, the rest of us as well) were surprised by half a cake, from Imran. Turns out he bought it from Secret Recipe and instructed the restaurant staff to come up at the end of dinner. How nice of him. :)

Then Shaun, Grace, Jo and Imran left, leaving only me, Kevin, Kar Reid, Kenneth and WaiHwa.

We went to the Ice Bar at The Sanctuary, where everything is made out of ice. O.O

It was pretty cool and all. No it was actually freaking freezing in there. I couldn't stop shivering and all of us were like, "It's bloody cold!" (Or something to that effect anyways XD)

Trip to the Ice Bar also was my first drinking experience. Is it really that hard to believe I've never drank before , though? @.@ 5 shots of Smirnoff for RM88. Nothing too bad, actually. I just downed it in one go. It made me all hot after that. >.<>:(

So all in all, it was a pretty fun night out, even though I bet everyone was actually kinda tired after college and whatnot, but at least we went out together. :DDD Can't wait for the next trip, though I have no idea when will that be, given that we're so busy and all. Nuts.

No photos whatsoever, because none of us thought to bring our cameras. I'll probably get it from FB or something. :D

PS. Is anyone interested to study together at the TTDI library during the CAL hols? (8-18th April) It's closed on Mondays, but I'm planning to go like, everyday. I've craploads of Psych essays to do, King freaking Henry to read finish, the SATs to study for, and Maths and Econs. Uurgh. D8

It's RM16 for a one time membership fee, and there's sorta like a dress code for girls, but it's not that bad lah. At least we get to study. :D It opens from 9am-6pm on weekdays, and 11am-4pm on weekends. So far, it's me, Deb, Kathleen, and maybe Jo, Grace, Kenneth and WaiHwa.

Let's study togetha-getha... and maybe go swimming after we're done. XD